
27 November 2015

Happy Weekend!

Are you fighting for Black Friday deals? Or just looking at some online offers? Even here in Italy, some shops and sites had some offers today, so I already placed a couple of orders!
Wishing you a happy weekend and leaving you with this picture from Apulia!

Avete approfittato degli sconti per il Black Friday? Io si, ho fatto un paio di ordini online!
Vi auguro un buon weekend e vi lascio con una foto della Puglia!

20 November 2015

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

I thought for days if I had to write something about what happened in Paris one week ago and I think everything has been said so I won't add any particular point of view.

But I know that I have particularly been touched because it happened in a city where I've been, and that it's just a 2-hours flight from where I am. Yesterday there were false bomb alerts in Rome and Milan, and metro has been closed. 

Fear and anger are feelings very common these days and sometimes I had just to stop watching the news because I felt like I needed to regain some sort of calm, maybe listening to music, reading a book, cooking or watching something that could make me laugh or at least not think about what is happening around the world just for a few hours.

So for this week, I'm not wishing you a happy weekend, I think it's a bit out of place, but please let's spread love and kindness around us!

13 November 2015

Happy Weekend!

Happy weekend! I think that those so green hills, already tell you where I took this picture, but for those of you who have no idea, it's the Burren in Ireland.
Buon weekend! Penso che quelle colline così verdi, vi dicano già dove ho scattato questa foto, per chi non ne ha idea, è il Burren in Irlanda.

6 November 2015

Happy Weekend!

Happy weekend! Next week it's my birthday!!! I love this place, it's Cobh, in Ireland, can you believe that not a single raindrop fell that day? I thought, seeing those clouds, that we were going to be soaked up!
Buon weekend! La prossima settimana compio gli anni!!! Mi piace così tanto questo posto, è Cobh, in Irlanda, lo sapete che non è scesa nemmeno una goccia di pioggia quel giorno? Pensavo, vedendo quelle nuvole, che avremmo preso una lavata tremenda!